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Sheng Ji, DDS, MD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Blog

Can an Oral Surgeon Fix a Broken Jaw?

January 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — shengji @ 6:08 pm
3D illustration of broken jaw

No one wants to experience trauma to the jaw. Not only can a broken jaw be painful, but it impacts so many essential activities like talking, eating, and even breathing. If you’ve experienced an injury to the face, seek treatment immediately – you might have a fractured jaw. Can an oral surgeon provide the urgent help you need? Read on to learn how you know when your jaw is broken and gain a better understanding of the treatment an experienced oral surgeon can provide.


The Benefits of Getting a Bone Graft After Tooth Extraction

November 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — shengji @ 3:59 pm
Illustration of a bone graft after two teeth have been extracted

When a tooth is badly decayed or otherwise damaged beyond repair, sometimes an extraction is the only way to protect your oral health. However, removing a tooth without replacing it could have long-term consequences for your jaw. As such, your oral surgeon may recommend having a bone graft done right after your tooth extraction. The following post goes into more detail about this procedure and the benefits of having it performed after teeth are removed.


When Is a Tooth Extraction Necessary?

October 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — shengji @ 7:57 pm
Tooth held in dental forceps following tooth extraction

No one likes the idea of having a tooth removed, and your dentist will always do their best to help you maintain a complete smile. However, in some circumstances, a tooth extraction is the best way to preserve a patient’s oral health, end their discomfort, and pave the way for future treatments. When is an extraction necessary? This blog post discusses a few common reasons for the procedure.


What Is a Sinus Lift? Why Might I Need One?

September 27, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — shengji @ 4:23 pm
Illustration of dental implant in upper jaw after sinus lift

In some cases, a patient can receive dental implants soon after their initial tooth replacement consultation. In other instances, though, one or more preliminary procedures are necessary to prepare the mouth to support the implants. One such procedure is a sinus lift. What exactly is a sinus lift, and why might it be necessary? Let’s talk about the answers to those important questions.


What to Expect During Dental Bone Graft Recovery

September 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — shengji @ 3:47 pm
Illustration of dental bone graft being placed in upper jaw

It is widely agreed that dental implants are the best way to replace missing teeth. However, one of the few things about them that could potentially be seen as a downside is that they come with a somewhat complex treatment process. In fact, many patients must receive a dental bone graft before they can begin to move forward with getting their new teeth. If that is true in your case, you have no reason to worry. Read on below to learn some details about this surgery and what you can expect while you heal from it.


What CAN You Eat After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

August 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — shengji @ 3:11 pm
woman allowed to eat after wisdom tooth extraction

Did you know that about 85 percent of people have their wisdom teeth removed? These teeth are often superfluous and can push up against other teeth, causing pain and other problems. As a result, these teeth are often extracted through a surgical procedure, which unfortunately brings a host of potential complications along with it.

But how do you recover from treatment in your mouth when you need to eat and drink to survive? Instead of focusing on a list of things you can’t eat, you want to know what are you allowed to eat after wisdom tooth extraction. Here is the most basic breakdown!


When Can I Return to Work After Dental Implant Surgery?

July 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — shengji @ 1:59 pm
“Out of office” note on desk for person recovering from dental implant surgery

Taking time off of work to undergo dental implant surgery might seem like an inconvenience. You may be eager to leap back into your normal routine as soon as possible! However, it is important that you get adequate rest following your procedure. This blog post discusses some factors that influence how long you may need to stay at home and rest.


4 Things You Shouldn’t Do After Implant Surgery

January 20, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — shengji @ 5:53 pm
Woman with dental implants resting at home

To get dental implants, you need to undergo surgery. Afterwards, you’ll naturally want to do everything you can to make sure that the healing process is as quick and comfortable as possible. However, it’s just as important to take note of things that you absolutely should not do in order to avoid complications. Here are 4 things that patients need to avoid at all costs after their dental implant surgery.


5 Reasons to Be Grateful for Dental Implants

December 27, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — shengji @ 5:04 pm
Happy family eating dinner together, grateful for dental implants

The past couple of years have been challenging for everyone, but as 2021 winds down, many people are pausing to “count their blessings,” so to speak, as they reflect on all the reasons they have to be thankful. Things like family and friends are among the top reasons for gratitude. But for countless people, dental implants are also worthy of a thankful spirit. Let’s talk about some of the many advantages they offer.


Don’t Do These 5 Things After Dental Implant Surgery

December 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — shengji @ 4:59 pm
Saying no to cigarettes after dental implant surgery

The success of your dental implant surgery depends largely on the skill and experience of the oral surgery practice that you entrust with your care. However, you also play a big role in your treatment’s outcome. Following your surgery, it is important that you avoid certain activities so you can lower your risk of complications and facilitate a smooth recovery. Here are a few things NOT to do after your dental implant procedure:

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